Understanding and Managing OCD Mental Compulsions

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a mental health disorder marked by intrusive thoughts (obsessions) that are repetitive. These thoughts make the affected individual act in a certain way or obsessively think about a particular thing. These mental compulsions can lead to mental exhaustion, thereby affecting the quality of overall life.

There are certain ways through which one can gradually learn to manage the mental compulsions being caused by this mental health issue. Seeking professional OCD treatment in New York is one of the most important steps in the healing procedure.

Go through the blog below to learn about OCD mental compulsions and how to manage them constructively.

What does Mental Compulsions mean?

Mental compulsions refer to those hidden rituals that people with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) perform secretly as a way to decrease anxiety caused by obsessions. Mental compulsions are invisible behaviors that, most of the time, escape observation from outsiders. They involve internal acts rather than outside actions. These covert rituals can be just as disabling, and they abound in a subtype of OCD called “Pure O.”

Types of Mental Compulsions

  • Mental Reviewing: People with OCD can repeatedly go over past events, conversations, or actions to ensure that they have done no wrong or embarrassing things. The person keeps replaying scenarios over and again, looking for reassurance that they did not make mistakes or cause harm.
  • Counting: Individuals with OCD may engage in silent counting rituals. They may get obsessed with a specific number or pattern so as to prevent feared events from occurring or neutralize obsessive thoughts.
  • Silent Prayers or Mantras: Silently repeating prayers, mantras, or affirmations is a common mental obsession in OCD, usually done to avoid possible danger or ward off obsessive fears.
  • Reassurance Seeking: The person may keep playing back scenes, discussions, and events in their minds for the purpose of confirming that all is well and their fears are baseless. This makes the individual look for reassurances continually from inside their own mind as a way of dealing with obsessions. People around individuals with OCD should help the affected person face and embrace the uncertainties of life. Providing reassurance only continues the vicious cycle of obsession and compulsion.  

Book an appointment with OCD therapists NYC today to manage the symptoms of mental compulsion in OCD.

Pure-O OCD

In some cases, individuals suffering from OCD may exhibit primarily compulsions that are mental without accompanying behavioral rituals. This subtype, which is referred to as “Pure-O” (Pure Obsessional), can be particularly difficult to identify and treat. For instance, the individual’s obsessions and compulsions take place mostly within their mind, thus making it hard for others to notice the suffering. Nonetheless, mental compulsions create as much distress and impairment as visible compulsion does.

Understanding mental compulsions provides assistance in recognizing and treating this particular type of OCD. These covert rituals can greatly affect a person’s daily life functioning and general well-being. So, one should seek professional assistance and adopt useful treatment techniques.

Signs of OCD Mental Compulsions

Intrusive Thoughts

Mental compulsion is commonly characterized by the presence of persistent, unwanted thoughts that cause significant anxiety or distress. These intrusive thoughts often feel uncontrollable and overwhelming and can typically be themed around contamination, harm, or blasphemous ideas.

Mental Repetition

People who have mental compulsions may engage in repetitive mental behaviors such as silently repeating phrases to themselves, counting, or reviewing past events in their minds. This kind of mental repetition is often aimed at decreasing the anxiousness induced by obsessive thoughts.

Preoccupation and Avoidance

With mental compulsions, specific thoughts or ideas dominate one’s thinking, making it hard to concentrate on normal daily activities. Consequently, people may avoid situations that trigger their obsessions and compulsions, leading to marked impairment of social functioning and withdrawal.

Causes of OCD Mental Compulsions

The causes of OCD are not well understood, but several factors may be connected:

  • Genetic: If close family members like parents or siblings suffer from OCD, it increases the chances for an individual to develop this condition due to hereditary factors and gene composition.
  • Brain Structure and Functioning: Deformities in areas of the brain that are involved with fear and anxiety processing may lead to OCD mental compulsions in some people.
  • Environmental Factors: Environmental factors such as traumatic or stressful events can trigger or worsen symptoms of mental compulsion in OCD.
  • Personality Traits: Obsessions with perfectionism and high levels of responsibility can result in the development of OCD.

OCD is an intricate disorder that results from a variety of different factors. Psychotherapy counseling services are available to get an insight into the possible causes of OCD.

The Effect Of Mental Compulsions On Life

Mental compulsions like behavioral ones provide only temporary relief from anxiety, leading to an ongoing cycle of distress. Here is how it can impact quality of life:

  • Anxiety and Distress: Obsessions cause considerable anxiety, while compulsions merely give momentary relief, thereby reinforcing the cycle.
  • Time Consumption: Mental compulsions take up significant time, thus leaving little room for productive activities.
  • Isolation: With mental rituals comes the need for social withdrawal and isolation. People may become afraid of embarrassing themselves or getting triggered.
  • Neglect of Responsibilities: Individuals might start ignoring Important tasks and responsibilities due to the time spent on compulsions.

Self-Help Techniques


One must develop an awareness of one’s actions before one can manage mental compulsions. Recognizing triggers that lead to constant thoughts and repeating behaviors can be a source of understanding the condition. 

Keeping a journal or thought record assists in identifying patterns, track progress, and provide insights into factors underlying the compulsions.

Using Relaxation Methods-

  • Breathing In Deeply– Practicing deep breathing exercises regularly, helps to control worries or stop themselves from having mental compulsions. By concentrating on slow breaths individuals can relax minds and bodies. 
  • Meditation-Another important strategy individuals should consider for psychological compulsion management is mindfulness meditation. It assists one in embracing present-moment experience without being judgmental towards obsessive feelings. This can gradually loosen the grip of OCD over the individual.
  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation–  Progressive muscle relaxation is a technique that involves intentionally tensing and then releasing different muscle groups across the body. This provides support to relieve anxiety and physical tension which enhances mental compulsions. It can assist one enter a calm state thus lessening the intensity of obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors.

It should be noted that these techniques are not meant to replace professional counseling & psychotherapy, and hence, people with severe or chronic symptoms should seek support from qualified mental health professionals.

Evidence-Based Therapies for OCD

Here are a few evidence-based therapy methods used by NYC psychotherapists to manage mental compulsion OCD:

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)

Exposure and response prevention (ERP) assists patients in controlling their mental compulsions. It slowly exposes affected individuals to situations or thoughts that cause their obsessions, while encouraging them not to engage in their usual compulsive acts. Individuals learn through repetition how they can endure discomfort caused by their obsessions leading to reduced need for carrying out mental rituals. 

This process breaks the cycle where obsessive ideas induce compulsive behaviors, thereby reducing the strength and impact of OCD. ERP demands commitment, endurance, and supervision from a trained therapist.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, CBT for short, is another way of supporting individuals in managing obsessions and actions ignited by mental compulsions. This technique allows one to confront and question negative thoughts and irrational beliefs that create the foundation of these obsessions. 

People are taught how to identify unrealistic ideas.They learn to cope with their anxiety. As a result, stressful feelings and anxiety caused by intrusive thoughts become manageable. So, resisting the temptation to engage in mind rituals becomes easier.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) takes an alternative approach to dealing with mental compulsions in OCD and uncertainty. ACT does not advocate for a direct elimination of intrusive thoughts or anxiety. Instead, it wants individuals to accept their thoughts and feelings without any judgment. 

By learning how to develop psychological flexibility, ACT teaches people not to be overly influenced by their obsessive-compulsive rules but rather to be conscious and committed to what they value at any given point in time. By fostering acceptance together with mindfulness, ACT helps people distance themselves from intruding ideas. Individuals can learn to focus their energies on meaningful activities instead of engaging in psychic repetitions or avoidance behaviors.

With the support of OCD treatment in New York, it is possible to recover from the mental compulsion caused by OCD.


Q1: What are some of the common types of mental compulsions in OCD?

These involve repetitive mental acts done to reduce anxiety due to obsessions. These behaviors include mental reviewing, counting, silent prayers or mantras, and constantly seeking reassurance.

Q2: How do mental compulsions affect day-to-day life?

Mental compulsion in OCD can consume time, cause anxiety, distress, social isolation, and make people neglect responsibilities. Quality of life can be highly impaired by constant mental rituals and preoccupation with intrusive thoughts.

Q3: What are some self-help strategies for managing mental compulsions?

Self-help strategies include developing self-awareness through journaling, practicing mindfulness, and relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation. Nevertheless, severe or persistent OCD symptoms often require professional help. Professionals use different therapies, such as  Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), And  Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), to treat this condition.


Seeking support at the right time is necessary for a better quality of life and controlling mental compulsions related to OCD. Self-awareness and mindfulness, along with evidence-based therapies like Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), And  Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), can be very useful.

Searching for compassionate psychotherapy in NYC? Just reach out to psychotherapist Gita Sawhney at her practice GS Mental Health and Wellness in Manhattan, New York. 


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